American Idol alum Adam Lambert was arrested earlier this morning in Finland, following a fight with his boyfriend, Sauli Koskinen. Lambert had arrived in Helsinki on Monday to spend the holidays with his Finnish Big Brother winning reality star boyfriend, Sauli Koskinen. The two have been a couple since November of 2010, living together in Hollywood. Lambert and Koskinen were at famed Helsinki gay club Don’t Tell Mama Wednesday night, where they were reportedly seen bickering with each other in the club. Their heated quarrel was enough to get the two kicked out of the club, where they continued to argue, escalating into a violent skirmish. Koskinen’s Big Brother co-star, Niko Nousiainen, was at the bar with with his girlfriend and they tried to separate both Koskinen and Lambert. Instead, they were on the “receiving end of Adam’s wrath,” but it was not intentional, according to Perez Hilton, just an accident. After police were called to the scene, both Lambert and his boyfriend were arrested around 4:00 a.m. Thursday morning, jailed and then later released that afternoon after being questioned by authorities. Looks like they possibly could have several assault charges brought against them, but no word yet on any [...]
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